Venu Naturopathy


Reeti Prakash

Reeti Prakash

About Reeti Prakash

The writer is a senior editor at an open access journal that covers contemporary topics pertinent to the Indian legal system. She is pursuing BBA LLB (Hons) from Jindal Global Law School.

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‘Love jihad’ bills by BJP-ruled states against India's constitutional principles

The BJP governments in these states, in their quest to criminalize interfaith marriages, are going ahead with coming out with this law, despite not even a single case of ‘love jihad’ having been detected by the central investigative teams to date, writes Reeti Prakash for South Asia Monitor

Human rights a matter of concern in South Asia; time to bring about positive changes

Despite recurrent political chaos, often fuelled by cultural and religious clashes, there are some human rights organisations that are working for the welfare and dignity of each individual in South Asia, writes Reeti Prakash for South Asia Monitor